Thursday, October 31, 2013

Product Review: Your Dog's Diner

This week "Your Dog's Diner"  ( sent us some of their delicious treat mixes to sample and review.

Rachael, the proprietor at "Your Dog's Diner", is also the human behind the blog, a website dedicated to the adventures of her two rescue dogs, Brickle and Digby. After a few years of successful blogging, Rachael and her husband made the jump to small business owners. They combined their love of dogs with their lifelong love of cooking to bring us "Your Dog's Diner".

The premise behind "Your Dog's Diner" is the concept that cooking for your dog is a rewarding, loving and healthier way to give your dog treats. Because you can control the protein source, you can be assured that what you are feeding your dog is safe. By combining "Your Dog's Diner" treat mixes with a few other basic ingredients, you can easily cook nutritious and delightful snacks for your dog...right in your kitchen!

I have to say, that the Drool Crew and I thoroughly enjoyed our first experience! Below are the complete reviews for both the Mutt Meatballs and the Mutt Soup. Enjoy!

Mutt Meatballs


1. Grab the meatball mix, 1 egg, and 1 pound of ground beef (or protein of your choice)

 2. In a large bowl, combine meatball mix, egg, and uncooked meat.
3. Mix well with hands

4. Form into bite sized balls with a teaspoon or melon baller and place into a greased  oven-safe pan.

5. Place meatball in a preheated 350 degree oven for 30-45 minutes.


6. Allow meatballs to cool fully before serving (probably the hardest step!)


Mutt Soup

1. Grab the soup mix, olive oil, water or chicken broth, and ground beef

2. Brown and drain the hamburger.
(This step is optional, however because I had a slightly fattier ground beef on hand, I decided to brown it and drain the grease prior to adding it to the soup mix)

3. Combine meat, soup mix, 1 tablespoon of olive oil, and 6 cups of water or unsalted chicken broth into a large pot.

 4. Bring the ingredients to a boil and then lower the heat to simmer. Simmer, while stirring occasionally, for 30-45 minutes.


 5. Allow soup to cool fully before serving


I think the above picture says it all...the Drool Crew was very excited to try their new treats. After allowing the treats to cool, I put a small scoop of the soup on top of their dinner. I was lucky to survive this exercise as I was nearly trampled in their scramble to get to the bowls!! Even Ringo broke into a jog on the way to the kitchen!

Photo from "The Lion King"
From a human standpoint, "Your Dog's Diner" treat mixes are AWESOME! Even if you are the worst cook on Earth (which I might very well be), your dog will love you for making something special just for them. The added perk is that, unlike human children, they won't complain when you feed them leftovers for several days!!

I also waited a few days before finishing my review because I wanted to see how the Drool Crew's stomachs reacted. My dogs don't get a lot of rich treats, so I was slightly worried that we would experience some gastrointestinal distress. Thankfully, we have had no problems...even after 3 days worth of special dinner treats. As if these treat mixes weren't great already, this finding definitely pushes them into the totally amazing category!
I will definitely be purchasing more from "Your Dog's Diner" and I can't wait to see what other recipes Rachael comes up with in the future. So if you are looking for something new to try with your dogs, stop by to order your treat mixes today! 
These treat mixes would make a great holiday present for any dog lover!!


Wednesday, October 30, 2013

Wordless Wednesday!

This is Guinness. She was very excited about her birthday. Now normally we are a dog blog, but who can deny the cuteness of this photo? 

Tuesday, October 29, 2013

Dog Aggression FAQ's

What is dog aggression?

For the purpose of this blog post, we will define “dog aggression” as any circumstance in which a dog displays an undesired behavior toward another dog. This behavior could be as simple as excessive barking or may be a more severe reaction such as snarling, snapping, or biting. There are a number of triggers for these behaviors, but they all fall under the umbrella of “dog aggression.”

What causes dog aggression?
A common misconception people have about dog aggression is that it is purely a result of poor socialization and it can be “cured” with training/dog parks/play dates/etc.  The cause of dog aggression is actually multifactorial; a combination of nature and nurture. Sure, poor upbringing and lack of socialization play a part in the development of dog aggression, but so do genetics.  Just like humans, dogs’ personalities are highly variable. Some are born to be outgoing and universally dog friendly while some are born to be more reserved and dog selective.
The age of the dog also plays a role in dog aggression. Often puppies are very dog friendly, but their dog tolerance can change as they reach maturity (around 2-3 years of age).
What triggers dog aggressive behaviors?
Aggressive behaviors can be triggered by a variety of circumstances and the purpose of the aggression can range from protection of resources/territory (toys, food, spot on the bed, etc) to formation of a social hierarchy (establishment of alpha dominance).

My dog gets along with some dogs, but not others. Does that mean that he/she is dog aggressive?
Bad Rap has a wonderful article about dog tolerance levels. They describe four tolerance categories (dog social, tolerant, selective, and aggressive) and explain that these categories are constantly in flux. A dog that was previously dog social can lose tolerance as they mature and ultimately fall into a more dog selective category. I think it is important to figure out where your dog’s tolerance level falls. When you understand your dog’s preferences you can better prepare yourself to manage the situations to which your dog is exposed. 
What can I do to improve my dog’s behavior with other dogs?
First and foremost, the best thing you can do for your dog is to set him up for success. Don’t put your dog in situations that result in the undesired behavior. Avoidance of triggers is the easiest and most effective way to manage dog aggression. For example: is your dog possessive of his toys? Then pick up the toys when other dogs are around. Do your dogs fight over food? Then feed them separately. Does your dog hate strange dogs running up to him? Then the dog park is not the ideal setting for him.
Once you learn to avoid triggers, you will be 75% of the way to a happier household. The remaining 25% of your energy can then be spent on training and behavior modification exercises.

Why do I need to manage my dog’s interactions?
Have you ever met a person that you don’t like? Perhaps that person is too rude, too bossy, or too awkward. Whatever it is, you’d just prefer to avoid any future encounters with that person. It doesn’t mean that you hate all people, it just means that there are certain personalities that don’t mesh with yours. The upside for us is humans have the ability to alter their situation. We can control our level of interaction with people we don’t like. Dogs can’t. They rely on us to do that for them.

What are some training exercises to help with dog aggression?
The best training trick you can teach your dog is “focus.”  The ability to gain your dog’s focus despite any surrounding chaos can help in a wide range of situations. Imagine you are walking your dog when he suddenly sees a squirrel. Without a second thought, little Fido jerks the leash from your hand and takes off running. He is just about to run into oncoming traffic when you shout a stern “Fido!” and he stops dead in his tracks and turns to look at you. All of that “focus” training just totally paid off, didn’t it?
Harry practicing his "focus" while Layla
watches squirrels
To practice gaining focus, start in your house with a low level of distraction. Keep a few tasty treats on hand and watch your dog as he goes about his business. As soon as his focus seems to be away from you, say his name once, in a happy tone. If he turns to look at you, reward him with a treat. Continue practicing, increasing the distractions as he learns.
The “focus” in response to verbal command generally works great at home, but sometimes once you are outside amidst the excitement of a walk the verbal recall is not as effective. In these situations, I find that bringing my dogs’ favorite squeaky toy is a miraculous replacement for my voice. Here, I give one squeak on the toy alongside my verbal command and “POW!”... I’ve got their attention again.
When you notice your dog’s attention turning negatively toward another dog, use the “focus” trick as a tool to get your dog’s attention back onto you. Once you regain focus, remove the trigger as quickly as possible to prevent any further negative behaviors. 

Our dog does well with other dogs outside the home, but he/she is not adjusting well to the new dog we brought home. What can we do?
I highly recommend a process called “crate and rotate” whenever you bring a new dog into the home. “Crate and rotate” is an exercise where for a set period of time (generally 1-2 weeks) you keep your resident dog and your new dog completely separate from each other. This means that only one dog is out at a time.
This period of separation allows your resident dog to accept the fact that there is a new dog in the home and that this dog is there to stay. At the same time, it allows the new dog time to adjust to his new surroundings without the added stress of having to meet and interact with his new canine sibling.

Ringo and Crosby practcing side-by-side walking
I know that “crate and rotate” is not ideal. Taking dogs outside to potty separately and having to spend time with each of them individually is time consuming and exhausting! But trust me, giving both dogs time to adjust before forcing an introduction will make a world of difference in how well they are able to get along.
Another trick I often resort to when things seem a little tense between the Drool Crew members is side-by-side walking. This exercise is best when there are two people (one to walk each dog). Walk the dogs side by side, first with the dogs on the outsides of the two humans. As the walk progresses, allow the dogs to walk side by side, between the two humans.  Side-by-side walking allows the dogs to exercise and bond as pack members all while reinforcing the humans as their pack leaders. 

Every dog should get to go to the dog park and have doggy friends. Don’t you think avoiding these “triggers” is unfair to my dog?
Absolutely not! It’s not unfair to avoid situations that make your dog uncomfortable. It is, however, unfair to continue to put him into situations in which he cannot succeed. His well-being is dependent upon you, and being forced outside of his comfort zone is not in anybody’s best interest.
Oftentimes people project their wants/needs onto their pet. It is YOU that wants to go to the dog park. YOU want your dog to get along with your friends’ dogs. YOU want to bring home a second dog. YOU think your dog is missing out on a great experience, but I can assure you…he is not.
Your dog doesn’t want anything beyond your love and affection.

Thursday, October 24, 2013

Top 10 Worst Foster Moments

When I started this blog, my intention was to share my rescue experiences; both good and bad. I get an extraordinary amount of joy from fostering pit bulls. As a result, I could blog forever about my wonderfully happy home, but that doesn’t mean that there haven’t been difficulties along the way.

I would say that every foster dog has resulted in at least one breakdown (and some have caused waaaay more than one).  Every dog is different, and when you have a revolving door of new dogs entering your home you are bound to suffer the occasional hiccup.
In the interest of full disclosure, I have decided to share my top ten most emotionally trying foster moments. Each of these moments was short lived and the old adage “time heals all wounds” is certainly applicable here. So feel free to laugh and enjoy my stories of exhaustion, frustration, panic, and despair.
      1.  Layla (our first foster fail) has terrible separation anxiety. In our attempt to find a solution, we tried leaving her uncrated in the basement with a baby gate at the top of the stairs. We quickly discovered that she could crawl under the baby gate. Our next genius idea was to put two 30-pound dumbbells in the gap beneath the baby gate. They were heavy enough that she wouldn’t be able to push them out of the way and escape…so we thought. We came home from work that day to be greeted at the front door by Layla. With a feeling of dread, I slowly moved toward the top of the basement steps. As I turned the corner, I screamed. The giant floor to ceiling mirror had fallen to the floor. The baby gate had been pried off the wall. And, at the bottom of the basement stairs sat two 30-pound dumbbells; the tile floor beneath them shattered.  EPIC FAIL! (Please do not judge our stupidity. We realize now that this was one of the most terrible ideas ever conceived)

      2.  Our foster Autumn (mother of the 7 puppies that we also took in) had separation anxiety. She destroyed 6 metal wire crates before we finally started just leaving her loose in the house. Once we started leaving her loose, her anxiety improved immensely. So much so that she began redecorating our home in her spare time. It was Christmastime and we had decorations everywhere. We came home one evening to quite the surprise. She had removed our stuffed snowmen from the living room shelf and placed them gently on the floor of every bedroom and bathroom. She had also carried the low hanging Christmas ornaments upstairs to our bed and tucked them beneath the pillows. This happened almost every day in December. Although completely adorable, scouring the house and cleaning up scattered decorations did get a little tiresome.

      3.  Several years ago we took in a momma dog and her two 3 week old puppies. Those tiny puppies could not have been any cuter! Unfortunately, those tiny puppies grew and turned into bigger puppies, and the bigger puppies were poop machines! All of my free time was devoted to cleaning up their potty. Usually while I cleaned up, the puppies pranced around, pottyed more, and tap danced in their messes. I lasted almost 2 months before my husband found me sitting in the puppy room, covered in puppy poop, crying hysterically.  “If I clean up one more puppy mess I may lose my mind!” I whined between sobs. Well guess what? I cleaned up more messes and still had some sanity to spare.

      4.  Bogart (the momma to the puppies mentioned in #3) was nursing when we got her so we couldn’t spay her until the puppies had been weaned. Unfortunately for us, Bogie went into heat before we could get her spayed. I won’t go into graphic detail, but I will say that the puppies (and my furniture) were constantly covered in blood. The puppy room looked like a crime scene. I can safely say that this was my husband’s least favorite fostering moment.

       5. Last Thanksgiving we had a litter of 7 puppies (Autumn’s babies). By this point, the husband and I were puppy pros. We put down plastic painters tarp and confined them into a puppy pen. Things went much more smoothly than they did with the previous litter, however, it wasn’t without incident. I went downstairs one morning to discover that the puppies had worked together to move the pen across the room and had eaten a large hole in the baseboard and an even larger hole in the drywall. To this day, I still can’t comprehend how a puppy could eat a hole in a flat wall, but some things are meant to remain a mystery.

      6. Teddy was another foster with a talent of moving his crate across the room. We had to crate Teddy in our bedroom because he needed to be near his dog siblings. One day, Teddy managed to scoot his crate (with him inside) across the room to the bed. He pulled the down comforter off of our bed and into his kennel (another feat that remains a mystery) and shredded it. There were goose feathers EVERYWHERE!!

      7. Sadly, our bed seems to be a recurring theme in this list. I was napping one Saturday and Crosby climbed onto the bed and I was awoken by the sound of him tinkling all over it. Needless to say, there was A LOT of yelling. Crosby’s combination of tinkle and disruption of my nap made this one of my angriest foster moments.


     8.  A couple of years ago, I brought home a puppy the Tuesday before Thanksgiving. As soon as I got her settled into our house, I got a phone call to tell me that she had parvovirus. I spent the next 5 nights sitting next to her crate, forcing fluids and food into her mouth, and taking her outside to potty. The sleep deprivation combined with the stress of our visiting family made this foster experience truly exhausting.

   9.  Anybody that knows me will tell you that my favorite foster of all time has been Violet (luckily, Violet was adopted by my parents so she is a permanent member of the Iowa Drool Crew). Violet was impossible to potty train. She would go outside to tinkle and then come back inside and tinkle again. We checked her for medical issues and tried a million different cleaning solutions, but nothing worked…she kept doing it! She would just squat on my white shag rug, look at me defiantly, and tinkle. Thankfully, she eventually improved, but not before I was forced to buy 3 new rugs.   



      10. Lennon howls…ALL NIGHT. I think he might be part coyote. Enough said.



Tuesday, October 22, 2013

Get Out There!

I can’t go to the shelter…it’s too sad. 

I can’t even begin to count the number of times I’ve heard that phrase. I’m not questioning the merit of the statement. It’s true. Animal shelters can feel like some of the most hopeless places on Earth.  

I guess my argument is that that sadness exists whether you choose to acknowledge it or not. Just because you have not seen rows and rows of abandoned dogs confined to cold, damp kennels doesn’t mean that they aren’t there. Just because you haven’t looked into a dog’s eyes, knowing that their time has run out, doesn’t mean that they aren’t being euthanized to make room for the newest intake.  

There is a seemingly constant supply of stray dogs and owner surrenders that enter shelters at overwhelming rates. Many good people come to adopt a new family member, but no sooner than that dog leaves does another dog arrive to take his place. There is a serious pet overpopulation problem in America and until we succeed at addressing this problem, shelters will continue to be overcrowded. 

That doesn’t mean it is hopeless. You don’t have to look the other way. You can choose to pull your head out of the sand and face the issue head on. You can help save lives. Yes, it’s sad, but that does not negate the reward.  

So stop by your local shelter. Walk or play with the dogs, pet the kitties, clean some kennels, or help with some much needed maintenance work. It doesn’t take endless hours of time. That is the nice thing about dogs. They are happy with whatever you can give them.

Wednesday, October 16, 2013

Monday, October 14, 2013

Life of Drool Road Trip

The Drool Crew took a road trip last week and enjoyed a few days of vacation. The four Kansas City dogs made a trip to visit their four dog siblings in Iowa. Everyone had a blast, but the humans are still exhausted. Things were pretty hectic with eight large dogs in the house!  

The dogs did a lot of playing, but they also found time to gang up and make some mischief. The humans went out for the evening and left the dogs in the care of Aunt Shannon. After listening to a long list of instructions, Shannon seemed confident and up to the challenge. 

Little did she know, the dogs had other plans. 

Shannon is in the process of making dinner. She is slicing cheese for a turkey sandwich.

Ringo: WOOF WOOF (translation: I need to go outside)
Shannon: You need to go out right now?
Ringo: WOOF! (translation: YES!)
Shannon: Ugh, okay Ringo. Let's go. 

Shannon goes to the front door to let Ringo outside. Ringo is a senior dog. He is generally allowed outside off-leash (with supervision) because he never goes anywhere. 

Ringo ambles around the front yard and does his business. He then looks back at Aunt Shannon standing on the front porch.  

Ringo: Woof! Woof! (Translation: This is as good of a time as any to introduce myself to the cute poodles up the street.) 

Ringo takes one final look at Shannon, and with a gleam in his eye he takes off sprinting, as fast as his arthritic legs can move. 

Shannon: Are you for real?   

Shannon jogs up the street after the grizzly bear.
If you want to imagine what sight the two of them made, just picture a barefoot asthmatic  holding her pants in one hand, her braless chest in the other, and a senior citizen dog that just chucked his walker. 

Lucy: Hey guys…this is our chance. 
Harrison: Our chance for what?
Lucy: We can get up on the counter and eat some turkey and cheese! If we’re quick, she won’t even know we did it.
Violet: Ooh cheese!! Yum yum yum yum!
Layla: I think she will notice the cheese is gone when she gets back...and then she will tell mom! 
Ziggy and Napoleon: Yum, cheese. 
Harrison: Hmmmm…I don’t know you guys. Aunt Shannon was planning on eating that. It might make her sad if we ate it.
Lucy: Aunt Shannon just ate a box of fruit loops, a bag of potato chips and a pint of Ben and Jerry's. I think her delicate figure can spare us some food. 
Violet: Who is going to get up on the counter? I can’t do it…I’m too short. 
Lucy: Ziggy will do it!
Ziggy: Huh? Why me?
Lucy: Because you are the youngest one here and you have to do what we tell you. 
Napoleon, Harrison, and Violet: Yeah! Do it Ziggy!
Layla: I’m out of here! (Layla runs upstairs to hide) 

Ziggy hops up and rests his front legs on the counter. He grabs the brick of cheese and the bag of deli meat and tosses it to the floor. 

All dogs in unison: Nom nom nom nom nom! *Crunch, crunch, lick, slurp* 

Just then, Shannon returns with Ringo in tow.  

Shannon: What the hell?  Seriously? You guys just ate a pound of cheese? Your parents are going to never let me watch you again.

The dogs just look at her, innocently wagging their tails.
”We didn’t do anything.”


Friday, October 11, 2013

Feature Friday

This week's Feature Friday winners are Dublin, Jessie, and Sammie from Hillsboro, Missouri.
Here is what their mommy, Morgan, has to say about them:
"We have 3 dogs (1 red pit bull, 1 blue pit bull, and a lab/chow mix). All three dogs are awesome with our youngest daughter who will be 2 in December. They are always gentle with both of the kids, super loving, and just generally awesome. Dublin, the blue pit bull, was found in a city where they outlawed his breed so we ended up getting him at 6 weeks. Jessie is our lab/chow mix. She doesn't really do pictures because she is as dark at night and hard to get. Sammie is almost 8 years old and the best dog. Period. She always listens and just a joy to be around."

Sammie and Dublin as a puppy

Thursday, October 10, 2013

10 Ways to Help (With Just an Hour a Week)

Courtesy of Mutts

I hear it all the time. So many people want to volunteer in animal rescue, but they just don’t have the time to commit to weekly shelter shifts or fostering. That’s ok! There are still many things you can do to help with just one hour a week. Here is a list of ten ideas to get you started:

10. Make it a family affair. Go with your spouse or kids for a “date day” and walk dogs. Most shelter dogs only get out of their kennel once or twice a day for just a few minutes at a time. When volunteers show up to walk dogs, this allows them to get some much need fresh air and one on one attention.
9. Are you handy with tools or do you have any special trade skills? Shelters almost always need help with maintenance and repairs. This is often an area overlooked by other volunteers, but a properly functioning shelter is essential to the animal rescue process.
8. Are you a photographer? Whether you’re an amateur hobbyist or a professional photographer, shelter dogs could use your help creating a portfolio for them. A good portion of adoptions come as a result of a family seeing the dog online and “feeling a connection.” Good quality pictures that capture the animal’s true spirit can go a long way with improving their adoption potential.
7. Animals in shelters also need short biographies written about them. Spend time with a dog and gather a little bit of information from the shelter employees and then compose an honest yet endearing biography for them.
6. Help with transport. Shelters often need help getting an animal from one shelter to another or from the shelter to a veterinary appointment. All you have to do is pick up the dog and drive. You can even document your mileage for tax deduction purposes!
5. Fundraise. Many people are daunted by the thought of fundraising, but it doesn’t have to be a major project. Start by contacting the shelter to determine what supplies they may need and then come up with some ideas about how to get those supplies. Our rescue likes to look on Craigslist or at garage sales. They search for needed supplies, contact the seller, and explain to them that we are a non-profit animal rescue and ask if they would like to donate their dog house/kennel/blankets/etc. Another way to fundraise is to organize a blanket or food drive with a local business. You’ll find there are many ways to earn money when you think outside the box.
4. Do you like to talk to people? Attend an adoption event. Adoption events are a great way for shelter dogs to get out into the community and get exposure. Shelters always need volunteer help with getting dogs to and from events and interacting with potential adopters.
3. Organize a workplace volunteer day. Does your employer encourage volunteer activities? Next time you talk to your boss, suggest a workplace volunteer day (or half-day). It is great PR for your company, an excellent team building exercise, and provides a crew of free help to the local shelter. It is a win-win for everybody!!
2. Be an advocate for shelter animals. Share shelter postings on your social media page. Preach the merits of adoption. Support spay and neuter campaigns. Vote for stricter puppy mill and dog fighting laws. Start a petition to end BSL in your community. The possibilities for advocacy are endless. Find an alley that interests you and go for it!
1. Say “thank you.” Shelter employees are overworked and underpaid. The horrors they witness can wear on even the most optimistic soul. These people see some of the most horrific cases of animal abuse or neglect. They have to endure the sadness of watching a family dog be relinquished to the shelter. They have to see the emotional toll that shelter living takes on these dogs; as a previously vibrant dog becomes a frightened and subdued shell of themselves. These people don’t work for recognition, but a simple thank you makes the work much more bearable and restores just a little bit of faith in humanity. Who doesn’t want to know that their work is appreciated and admired?

Do you have other ideas? Feel free to leave suggestions in our comment section!

Monday, October 7, 2013

Grain Free Pumpkin Treats

Lucky Paws Bakery & Unique BARKtique in Lawrence, Kansas is one of our favorite destinations for everything dog related. The owner, Raven Rajani has a passion for rescue dogs and local art. Her store is filled with delicious home-baked treats, locally made dog collars and toys, and beautiful animal artwork. We caught up with Raven last weekend to get the scoop on how she got started:

"I have always loved dogs and have been interested in health and nutrition. In 1990, I adopted my first dog from a shelter in Wichita, Kansas, and my two loves converged.  
After reading the ingredient labels on Maggie's food, I decided to start making her food and baking treats to give her. Despite being the 'laughing stalk' of my family,  I was concerned with all the chemicals on the labels and I knew that what I would create for her would be much more nutritionally sound! Over time, I added more dogs to my pack, became involved in rescue and I kept baking! I wanted to create treats for others that they could feel good about giving their dogs. I baked treats and sold them locally at The Community Merc, and the local Farmer's Market.
I rescued Shakti, a blue pit bull girl from a shelter in Arkansas in July of 2011. Shakti became the inspiration for my baking (especially the grain-free treats), became my logo girl, and in April of 2012, I took my dream one step further and opened Lucky Paws Bakery & Unique BARKtique. My store features organic, gourmet treats baked fresh weekly (using LOCAL, sustainable ingredients), and unique, dog-themed art (provided by local artists), organic bath supplies, funky collars, leashes, tags, toys and even our own coffee blend - Lucky Paws BARKfast Blend!
Shakti is the CEO (Chief Eating Officer) and the official greeter. As a bully girl, she serves as a wonderful ambassador for her breed, and we advocate for bullies and rescue! Shakti is a TRUE working girl - Not only does she work at Lucky Paws Bakery, but she is a certified therapy dog and was the inspiration for Loving Paws Animal Therapy Program, Inc., a non-profit organization, which will train and certify volunteer teams (dogs and handlers) to serve those in need throughout Douglas County."

Lucky Paws Bakery & Unique BARKtique is located in Lawrence, Kansas at 4 East 7th and is open Fridays, Saturdays and Sundays.

Raven was kind enough to share the recipe for one of her most popular fall-time treats...Grain Free Pumpkin Treats!!

Life of Drool tested the recipe this weekend...and I'd say it was a huge success!

Step 1: Whisk eggs, pumpkin and milk together.

Step 2: Add coconut flour, tapioca flour and spices (*can add flax or chia). 
Stir and continue to add flour if necessary until the dough is stiff (not sticky). 

Step 3: Use a melon ball scoop to place dough on cookie sheets or roll the dough onto wax paper and use a cookie cutter to make cute shapes.


Step 4: Bake at 300 degrees for approximately 1 hour. Cool and store in refrigerator.  

Optional Step 5

Yesterday my sister and I packaged the treats into Halloween treat baggies and set off for Dogtober Fest in Le Claire, Iowa. We were trying to raise awareness for the blog, so if we met you there please comment and let us know if your dog enjoyed the treat!